Tutoring Bamboo Forest

Posting only the content generated by Natural Stupidity, based on my experience as a tutor.

College: (Asks about what kind of social issues the student is passionate about.)

Student: (Says that they were angry when people secretly littered around and “destroyed” their favorite island resort with trash; and that it happens because their home country “doesn't have any trash cans in public venues”, unlike in the States, “where even the streets of the largest cities are pristine and spotless.”)

Me: “Okay, let's talk about the times when you felt grateful in your life.”

Kid: “Um, I am grateful for my parents because they buy me everything I want when I ask.”

Me: “Well, about that... There are some things you have to be careful about when you describe your experience. Are you familiar with the concept of privilege?”

Kid: (Instant angry face) “...I don't think I'm privileged at all.”

Me: “And why is that?”

Kid: “Cuz it's not like my parents can buy everything for me.”

I have never imagined that any high school senior with a modicum of common sense would think this was an acceptable letter of apology:

“I'm sorry if you felt that I was rude. It is solely my bad that I was not informed about the instructions by the company. I think it happened because I didn't know that you could terminate the tutoring contract at will. I'm very sorry, since now I know what is going on. It's all your choice, but if you could give me one more chance, it would be great for me.”

Hey kid, I'm sorry that I hurt your feeling by suggesting that your brag list of first prizes would not impress the Ivy League schools. Or that doing everything by yourself is not leadership. Or that the number of visually impaired people you have patronized is not something to boast about. I'm glad you found someone who would “cut the crap and just proofread what [you] have,” as you told me in the face; you desperately needed some help in that department, judging from your Engrish proficiency.

A month ago, I was asked to proofread a whole set of college admission essays generated by AI, which I declined in good faith. I thought that was the end of it, but apparently I was wrong. Just a few days ago, I was assigned a new student who proceeded to turn in the very first writing assignment, completely written by AI. At that point, why even bother? The parents should save money on a decade worth of private education and just buy their children a building or something.

Me? Suspended for advertising and posting exclusively AI-generated content? I think y’all are very confused. I have no intention to associate the account with my offline identity, so the advertisement part is quite far off. But that’s the least ridiculous thing about the accusation.

Here I declare: all my contents are written by myself, based on my personal experience. If anything, everything posted here is the product of Natural Stupidity, not Artificial Intelligence.

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